X-Ray microanalytical techniques based on synchrotron radiation

I Snigireva, A Snigirev - Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2006 - pubs.rsc.org
The development of 3rd generation synchrotron radiation sources like European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in parallel with recent advances in the technology of …

Single-element elliptical hard x-ray micro-optics

K Evans-Lutterodt, JM Ablett, A Stein, CC Kao… - Optics …, 2003 - opg.optica.org
Using micro-fabrication techniques, we have manufactured a single element kinoform lens
in single-crystal silicon with an elliptical profile for 12.398 keV (1??) x-rays. By fabricating a …

3D nanoprinted plastic kinoform X‐Ray optics

UT Sanli, H Ceylan, I Bykova, M Weigand… - Advanced …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
High‐performance focusing of X‐rays requires the realization of very challenging 3D
geometries with nanoscale features, sub‐millimeter‐scale apertures, and high aspect ratios …

High energy X-ray micro-optics

A Snigirev, I Snigireva - Comptes Rendus Physique, 2008 - Elsevier
A tremendous progress in X-ray optics development was made in the past decade. Progress
has been driven by the unique properties of X-ray beams produced by third generation …

Diamond X-ray refractive optics

I Snigireva, M Polikarpov, A Snigirev - Synchrotron Radiation …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The last decade has been marked by the transition towards fourthgeneration synchrotron
radiation sources. The high degree of coherence, brilliance, and radiation power from …

Silicon planar lenses for high-energy x-ray nanofocusing

AA Snigirev, I Snigireva, M Grigoriev… - Advances in X-Ray …, 2007 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Optimizing the lens design and improving the technological process, we manufactured X-ray
planar compound refractive lenses with vertical sidewalls up to 70 microns deep. The lens …

Современные достижения рентгеновской оптики преломления

ВВ Аристов, ЛГ Шабельников - Успехи физических наук, 2008 - elibrary.ru
Рентгеновская оптика преломления получила значительное развитие во многом
благодаря работам российских ученых и в настоящее время является одним из …

Single‐Step 3D Nanofabrication of Kinoform Optics via Gray‐Scale Focused Ion Beam Lithography for Efficient X‐Ray Focusing

K Keskinbora, C Grévent, M Hirscher… - Advanced Optical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
A kinoform lens is a highly efficient photonic device capable of focusing a wide range of
electromagnetic radiation. Unfortunately, its realization without the need of any …

Kinoform X-ray lens creation in polymer materials by deep X-ray lithography

V Nazmov, L Shabel'Nikov, FJ Pantenburg… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2004 - Elsevier
Conditions are determined for the formation of X-ray refractive lenses with kinoform fern-like
profile in resist layers of PMMA and SU-8 by deep X-ray lithography. Based on the …

LIGA fabrication of X-ray Nickel lenses

V Nazmov, E Reznikova, A Snigirev, I Snigireva… - Microsystem …, 2005 - Springer
Nickel refractive planar lenses generating line and point X-ray spots were fabricated by LIGA
technology. The optimum parameters of the lenses were simulated for a kinoform lens profile …