Crowd behaviour and motion: Empirical methods

M Haghani, M Sarvi - Transportation research part B: methodological, 2018 - Elsevier
Introduction The safety of humans in crowded environments has been recognised as an
important and rapidly growing research area with significant implications for urban planning …

Mechanisms of social cognition

CD Frith, U Frith - Annual review of psychology, 2012 -
Social animals including humans share a range of social mechanisms that are automatic
and implicit and enable learning by observation. Learning from others includes imitation of …

How simple rules determine pedestrian behavior and crowd disasters

M Moussaïd, D Helbing… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - National Acad Sciences
With the increasing size and frequency of mass events, the study of crowd disasters and the
simulation of pedestrian flows have become important research areas. However, even …

[HTML][HTML] Research advance in swarm robotics

Y Tan, Z Zheng - Defence Technology, 2013 - Elsevier
The research progress of swarm robotics is reviewed in details. The swarm robotics inspired
from nature is a combination of swarm intelligence and robotics, which shows a great …

Towards a mathematical theory of behavioral human crowds

N Bellomo, L Gibelli, A Quaini, A Reali - Mathematical Models and …, 2022 - World Scientific
The first part of our paper presents a general survey on the modeling, analytic problems, and
applications of the dynamics of human crowds, where the specific features of living systems …

Collective cognition in animal groups

ID Couzin - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2009 -
The remarkable collective action of organisms such as swarming ants, schooling fish and
flocking birds has long captivated the attention of artists, naturalists, philosophers and …

Herding in humans

RM Raafat, N Chater, C Frith - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2009 -
Herding is a form of convergent social behaviour that can be broadly defined as the
alignment of the thoughts or behaviours of individuals in a group (herd) through local …

Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds

M Moussaïd, D Helbing, S Garnier… - … of the Royal …, 2009 -
In animal societies as well as in human crowds, many observed collective behaviours result
from self-organized processes based on local interactions among individuals. However …

[HTML][HTML] The origins and evolution of leadership

AJ King, DDP Johnson, M Van Vugt - Current biology, 2009 -
How groups of individuals achieve coordination and collective action is an important topic in
the natural sciences, but until recently the role of leadership in this process has been largely …

Swarm intelligence in animals and humans

J Krause, GD Ruxton, S Krause - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2010 -
Electronic media have unlocked a hitherto largely untapped potential for swarm intelligence
(SI; generally, the realisation that group living can facilitate solving cognitive problems that …