Stay with your community: Bridges between clusters trigger expansion of COVID-19

Y Ohsawa, M Tsubokura - Plos one, 2020 -
In this study, the spread of virus infection was simulated using artificial human networks.
Here, real-space urban life was modeled as a modified scale-free network with constraints …

The energy transition game: experiences and ways forward

W Jager, G Scholz, R Mellema, S Kurahashi - Innovative approaches in …, 2018 - Springer
We discuss our experiences with the energy transition game (ETG) in Groningen, Tokyo,
and Osnabrück, all in educational settings. The ETG is an agent-based game in which roles …

COVID-19 Should be Suppressed by Mixed Constraints--from Simulations on Constrained Scale-Free Networks

Y Ohsawa - arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09372, 2020 -
The spreading of virus infection is here simulated over artificial human networks. Here, the
real-space urban life of people is modeled as a scale-free network with constraints. A scale …

[PDF][PDF] An Electricity Market Game using Agent-based Gaming Technique for Understanding Energy Transition.

S Kurahashi, W Jager - ICAART (1), 2017 -
The Electricity Market in Japan has been an oligopolistic market since the previous century,
but it will be a liberalised competitive market soon due to a policy change. It is supposed to …

Agent-based gaming approach for electricity markets

S Kurahashi - Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Electricity Market in Japan has been an oligopolistic market since the previous
century, but it will be a liberalised competitive market soon due to a policy change. It is …

[PDF][PDF] Infections May Not be Suppressed by Moderate Restriction of Contacts

Y Ohsawa -
Infection of virus is here simulated over human networks where the widths, defined as two
constants representing the size of the contacting community, are constrained. In this model …


倉橋節也 - 計測と制御, 2016 -
ビジネスは, 商品としての製品およびサービス, それらを支える技術・アイディアに加えて,
全体を統括するマネジメントが一体となって成立する. 本稿では, 主にマネジメントの視点から …


半田拓, 倉橋節也 - 人工知能学会第二種研究会資料, 2018 -
抄録 In recent years, the crowdfunding market is expanding in Japan. Not only the purpose
of financing, the number of projects aimed at the use of as test marketing and promotional …


吉田孝志, 倉橋節也 - シミュレーション& ゲーミング, 2017 -
抄録 クチコミの効果を組み込んだエージェントベース普及モデルをビジネスゲームとして用いることで
, 製品の普及過程における競争戦略の立案に活用できることを示した. まず Edy と mixi …

スノーボール調査とネットワーク分析に基づくエージェントベース普及モデル(エージェント(エージェントシミュレーション),< 特集> 人工知能分野における博士論文)

吉田孝志 - 人工知能, 2016 -
Edy と mixi を題材として, スノーボールサンプリング手法を用いたアンケート調査を実施した.
この手法は回答者に対して, 製品を使い始めるにあたって影響を受けた知人を紹介するよう依頼する …