[HTML][HTML] Understanding anthropomorphism in service provision: a meta-analysis of physical robots, chatbots, and other AI

M Blut, C Wang, NV Wünderlich, C Brock - Journal of the Academy of …, 2021 - Springer
An increasing number of firms introduce service robots, such as physical robots and virtual
chatbots, to provide services to customers. While some firms use robots that resemble …

Four models of basic emotions: A review of Ekman and Cordaro, Izard, Levenson, and Panksepp and Watt

JL Tracy, D Randles - Emotion review, 2011 - journals.sagepub.com
In this special section, Ekman and Cordaro (2011); Izard (2011); Levenson (2011); and
Panksepp and Watt (2011) have each outlined the latest instantiation of each lead author's …

Does a cute artificial intelligence assistant soften the blow? The impact of cuteness on customer tolerance of assistant service failure

X Lv, Y Liu, J Luo, Y Liu, C Li - Annals of Tourism Research, 2021 - Elsevier
As artificial intelligent technologies have been increasingly applied in tourism and hospitality
industry, the service failure caused by artificial intelligence assistant and how to recover …

Is cuteness irresistible? The impact of cuteness on customers' intentions to use AI applications

X Lv, J Luo, Y Liang, Y Liu, C Li - Tourism Management, 2022 - Elsevier
Artificial intelligence technology has been increasingly applied in the hospitality and tourism
industry, and it is a matter of concern how to increase customer adoption of AI applications in …

Fundamental motives: How evolutionary needs influence consumer behavior

V Griskevicius, DT Kenrick - Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2013 - Elsevier
Can we better understand modern consumer behavior by examining its links to our ancestral
past? We consider the underlying motives for consumption and choice from an evolutionary …

[HTML][HTML] The power of kawaii: Viewing cute images promotes a careful behavior and narrows attentional focus

H Nittono, M Fukushima, A Yano, H Moriya - PloS one, 2012 - journals.plos.org
Kawaii (a Japanese word meaning “cute”) things are popular because they produce positive
feelings. However, their effect on behavior remains unclear. In this study, three experiments …

[HTML][HTML] A scoping review mapping research on green space and associated mental health benefits

C Wendelboe-Nelson, S Kelly, M Kennedy… - International journal of …, 2019 - mdpi.com
Background: There is a growing interest in research investigating the association between
green space (GS) and mental health and wellbeing (HWB), in order to understand the …

Emotion regulation, procrastination, and watching cat videos online: Who watches Internet cats, why, and to what effect?

JG Myrick - Computers in human behavior, 2015 - Elsevier
Anecdotes abound about the frequent use of the Internet to view cat-related media. Yet,
research has yet to seriously address this popular culture phenomenon rooted largely in …

[HTML][HTML] Baby schema in human and animal faces induces cuteness perception and gaze allocation in children

M Borgi, I Cogliati-Dezza, V Brelsford, K Meints… - Frontiers in …, 2014 - frontiersin.org
The baby schema concept was originally proposed as a set of infantile traits with high
appeal for humans, subsequently shown to elicit caretaking behavior and to affect cuteness …

“So cute I could eat it up”: Priming effects of cute products on indulgent consumption

GY Nenkov, ML Scott - Journal of Consumer Research, 2014 - academic.oup.com
This article examines the extent to which consumers engage in more indulgent consumption
when they are exposed to whimsically cute products and explores the process by which …