G Cinque - Structures and beyond: The cartography of …, 2004 - books.google.com
In what follows I would like to show how the articulated functional structure of the clause suggested in Cinque (1999) may shed new light on the “restructuring” phenomenon (Rizzi …
In certain types of infinitival complementation constructions in three quite dissimilar languages (German, Japanese, and Itelmen) expected interpretations curiously, but …
This paper presents and discusses criteria for distinguishing between lexical and functional heads in the clausal domain, with special focus on restructuring configurations (aka …
Verbs can be introduced (merged) in either a lexical VP or a functional head, the latter position giving rise to restructuring contexts. We argue that there are two clitic positions in …
A Cardinaletti, G Giusti - Semi-lexical categories: The function of …, 2001 - degruyter.com
The distinction between lexical and functional elements is a central one in current grammatical theory. 1 This distinction is often based on the assumption that the two different …
S Wurmbrand, K Shimamura - The verbal domain, 2017 - lingbuzz.net
Restructuring or clause union phenomena provide an interesting testing ground for the composition of the voice domain. 1 Restructuring refers to complex predicate constructions …
Abstract Landau (2000) distinguishes between P (artial) C (ontrol) and E (xhaustive) C (ontrol): PC predicates like hope admit a subset relation between controller and controllee …
The theoretical focus of my thesis is the methodology of establishing the hierarchy of functional projections. I argue that four factors influence the hierarchy: mapping to …
This dissertation investigates the structure and interpretation of noun phrases in Thai and other classifier languages, focusing particular attention on whether Thai contains the same …