In many new constitutional democracies, there is significant overlap between those who draft and interpret a constitution. Indeed, in the context of major democratic constitutional …
Unlike in other countries of Eastern Europe where the opposition to communism came in the form of single mass movements led by charismatic leaders such as Václav Havel and Lech …
Abstract In the 2003 Treaty of Accession, the signatories agreed that all New Member States (NMS) that joined the European Union (EU) in 2004, would adopt the euro, even if no …
Young Central and Eastern Europeans are growing up in newly solidifying democratic political systems with parents raised under an entirely different regime. In order to …
P Rosůlek - Politics in Central Europe, 2011 -
Přemysl Rosůlek abstract: The article firstly identifies cleavages in Eastern and Central European (ECE) countries and Hungary in particular, recognising that nationalist, cultural …
Two decades have passed since the transition to democracy began in Eastern Europe. Today, West and East-Central European countries share a common political space-the …
Anotace Ve své bakalářské práci se věnuji přechodu k demokracii v Maďarsku na přelomu osmdesátých a devadesátých let dvacátého století. Nejprve se zabývám vývojem Maďarska …