Linear, nonlinear and total optical absorption coefficients and relative refractive index changes for symmetric and asymmetric double V-shaped quantum well configurations …
In this paper we are reporting the computation for the Nonlinear Optical Rectification (NOR) and the Second and Third Harmonic Generation (SHG and THG) related with electronic …
In the present study, the effects of varying doping concentration and applied electric field on the intersubband-related optical absorption and relative refractive index change coefficients …
In this work we present theoretical results for the electronic structure as well as for the absorption coefficient and relative refractive index change for an asymmetric double δ …
This study examines the electronic and optical properties of an asymmetric double delta doped quantum wells structure formed within GaAs. The electronic structure of system is …
In this present work a detailed theoretical study on the influence of the static electric, magnetic, and non-resonant intense THz laser fields on the nonlinear optical properties …
In the framework of the effective mass approximation and using a Thomas–Fermi‐like model for the conduction band potential energy profile, the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the …
M Gambhir, V Prasad - Revista mexicana de física, 2018 -
In the present paper, the linear and non-linear optical properties of GaAs/AlGaAs with on- center and on-edge delta doping are studied within the effective mass approximation. The …
The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the refractive index changes (RIC) is studied in δ- doped quantum well (DDQW) in GaAs. Based on the effective mass approximation we …