Understanding spoken language requires transforming ambiguous acoustic streams into a hierarchy of representations, from phonemes to meaning. It has been suggested that the …
Predictive processing postulates the existence of prediction error neurons in cortex. Neurons with both negative and positive prediction error response properties have been identified in …
Episodic memory involves learning and recalling associations between items and their spatiotemporal context. Those memories can be further used to generate internal models of …
The brain functions as a prediction machine, utilizing an internal model of the world to anticipate sensations and the outcomes of our actions. Discrepancies between expected …
Prediction errors are differences between expected and actual sensory input and are thought to be key computational signals that drive learning related plasticity. One way that …
Many insects use patterns of polarized light in the sky to orient and navigate. Here, we functionally characterize neural circuitry in the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, that …
An essential feature of neurons is their ability to centrally integrate information from their dendrites. The activity of astrocytes, in contrast, has been described as mostly …
Behavior relies on activity in structured neural circuits that are distributed across the brain, but most experiments probe neurons in a single area at a time. Using multiple Neuropixels …
The brain generates complex sequences of movements that can be flexibly configured based on behavioural context or real-time sensory feedback, but how this occurs is not fully …