Towards an Internet of Agents model based on Linked Open Data approach

P Pico-Valencia, JA Holgado-Terriza… - Autonomous Agents and …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The Internet of Agents (IoA) is a current approach to the Future Internet that has
arisen as an alternative to mitigate the limitations of the Internet of Things (IoT) concerning …

[PDF][PDF] A Comparison between Asynchronous Backtracking Pseudocode and its JADEL Implementation.

F Bergenti, E Iotti, S Monica, A Poggi - ICAART (2), 2017 -
In this paper, a comparison between the pseudocode of a well-known algorithm for solving
distributed constraint satisfaction problems and the implementation of such an algorithm in …

[PDF][PDF] Overview of a Formal Semantics for the JADEL Programming Language.

F Bergenti, E Iotti, S Monica, A Poggi - WOA, 2017 -
This paper outlines a first proposal of a formal semantics for the JADEL programming
language. JADEL is an agent-oriented programming language based on JADE that has …

[PDF][PDF] An agent-oriented programming language for JADE multi-agent systems

E Iotti - 2018 -
In this dissertation, a novel approach to program JADE (Java Agent DEvelopment
Framework) agents and Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) is proposed. JADE is a well-known …

Hacia el internet de los agentes: Un modelo semántico para agentificar ecosistemas de internet de las cosas

PA Pico Valencia - 2021 -
Este trabajo de tesis presenta las contribuciones científicas que se han desarrollado dentro
del contexto del IoA. De manera general, se definieron las directrices, concepto y …

A Quantitative Assessment of the JADEL Programming Language

F Bergenti, E Iotti, S Monica, A Poggi - Agents and Artificial Intelligence …, 2018 - Springer
This paper reports a quantitative assessment of JADEL, an agent-oriented programming
language designed to implement JADE agents and multi-agent systems. The assessment is …