GM Mayora, W Lestari - Ekspektra: Jurnal Bisnis dan …, 2024 -
The performance of the Indonesian capital market continues to increase every year. Data from KSEI shows that the number of investors continues to increase every year and the …
Abstract ausing a consumptive and materialistic nature which results in environmental damage due to uncontrolled use of resources. This research aims to determine sustainable …
Society is required to manage its resources for future welfare. One solution is to invest in stocks. This research aims to determine income level, financial literacy, and risk tolerance …
A Oktaviani, N Mawaddah - Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual, 2024 -
Purpose: Theory of Behavioral Finance assumes that there are various things inherent in humans such as emotions, interests, and traits that make them unable to make rational …
R Wijayanti, SEY Cahyaningtyas… - Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose: to contribute to further research on the conceptualization of financial satisfaction as a specific individual satisfaction domain based on subjective behavioral studies using a …
The use of electronic money is currently very massive, but in some areas the use of money This electronic also still encounters many obstacles, this is because there is still a need for …
H Dwiyanti, MA Ahmadi - Journal of Exploratory Dynamic Problems, 2024 -
Keputusan investasi yang efektif menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam pencapaian kesejahteraan finansial, terutama dalam kondisi ketidakpastian ekonomi. Kurangnya literasi …
Emas merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi yang memiliki nilai yang akan terus meningkat. Emas menjadi salah satu pilihan alternatif dalam berinvestasi dikarenakan …