Phosphatization under birds' activity: Ornithogenesis at different scales on Antarctic Soilscapes

WF Rodrigues, FS de Oliveira, CEGR Schaefer… - Geoderma, 2021 - Elsevier
Extensive areas of penguins' nesting (Pygoscelis sp.), on ice-free areas, account for vast
deposits of organic matter-rich guano in maritime Antarctica. One such area, at Harmony …

Biological and physicochemical properties of the nests of White Stork Ciconia ciconia reveal soil entirely formed, modified and maintained by birds

E Błońska, J Lasota, R Jankowiak… - Science of the Total …, 2021 - Elsevier
The physiological and behavioural activities of animals have far-reaching impacts on the
characteristics and functioning of soil. This includes vertebrates, which are capable of …

[HTML][HTML] Influence of marine vertebrates on organic matter, phosphorus and other chemical element levels in Antarctic soils

J Souza-Kasprzyk, TC Paiva, P Convey, LST Da Cunha… - Polar Biology, 2022 - Springer
The presence of marine vertebrates in dense reproductive colonies and other aggregations
contributes to the input of organic matter and nutrients into the local environment and it is …

[HTML][HTML] Soils under seal carcasses with varying degrees of decomposition: oasis of nutrients and vegetation in Antarctica

CEGR Schaefer, EO Senra, D Schmitz… - Anais da Academia …, 2023 - SciELO Brasil
Areas of high concentration of seal carcasses have been observed in localized areas of
James Ross Island, Antarctica. Such carcasses show an unusual vegetation development …

Content of biogenic and toxic elements in the leaves of Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv.(Poaceae): a preliminary study

T Bedernichek, V Loya, I Parnikoza - Plant introduction, 2020 -
Abstract The Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica É. Desv.) is one of two flowering
plants native to the Antarctic, and therefore it was intensively studied for decades. However …

Allelopathic potential and cytostatic activity of Antarctic moss Sanionia georgicouncinata (Amblystegiaceae)

O Dziuba, A Liubinska, P Khoyetskyy… - Biosystems …, 2021 -
From the first half of the XX century, the maritime Antarctic was a region with high regional
warming rates. At the beginning of the XXI century, regional warming strongly slowed down …


O Dziuba, A Liubinska, P Khoyetskyy, T Bedernichek - 2021 -
From the first half of the XX century, the maritime Antarctic was a region with high regional
warming rates. At the beginning of the XXI century, regional warming strongly slowed down …


ТЮ Бедернічек - Біорізноманіття, екологія та …, 2021 -
Анотація Екосистеми Арктичної, Антарктичної та альпійської тундри вразливі до
глобальних та регіональних кліматичних змін, зокрема до підвищення літніх …