Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) variability in progeny tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

B Cvjetković, M Konnert, B Fussi, M Mataruga… - Genetika, 2017 -
Norway spruce is one of the most important economic species is Bosnia and Herzegovina. It
is the species at the edge of its natural range; nevertheless it attains significant growth and …

Genetičko-fiziološka varijabilnost smrče (Picea abies Karst.) u testovima potomstva u Bosni i Hercegovni

B Cvjetković - Универзитет у Београду, 2018 -
Smrča predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih vrsta četinara u Bosni i Hercegovini. U posljednjih
par decenija, uloženi su značajni napori na unapređenju proizvodnje šumskog …

Ex Situ Conservation–Case Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina

V Daničić, D Ballian, M Mataruga, B Cvjetković… - Forests of Southeast …, 2019 - Springer
Ex situ conservation is the preservation of components of biological diversity outside their
natural habitats. Such ex situ work is an increasingly important component of conservation …

Biodiversity and genetic resources in forests of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)–their manifold significance

V Isajev, V Daničić - ОДРЖИВИ РАЗВОЈ И УПРАВЉАЊЕ …, 2023 -
The flora, fauna and fungi of Bosnia and Herzegovina are the most diverse in Europe,
whereas being abundant in endemic and relic species sets this region high at the level of …

[PDF][PDF] Мултифункционални значај биодиверзитета и генетичких ресурса шума Републике Српске (БиХ)

В Исајев, В Даничић -
Флора, фауна и фунгиа Босне и Херцеговине убраја се у најразноврсније у читавој
Европи, а висок степен ендемичности и реликтности даје јој значај на нивоу глобалне …

Climate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Its Changes and Impact on Forest Genetic Resources

B Cvjetković, M Mataruga, V Daničić… - Forests of Southeast …, 2019 - Springer
Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into three areas with different climatic conditions: the
northern flat is characterized by continental climate, the central part characterized by …