A Kreiter, G Szakmány - Kalicz, N., with a contribution by Attila …, 2011 - academia.edu
This paper discusses the ceramic technological procedures used by the potters of the Körös settlement at Méhtelek–Nádas in north-eastern Hungary. By means of ceramic petrographic …
This paper summarizes the archaeological context, objectives, methods and the preliminary results of an archaeometrical research project that started some years ago in order to …
A lelőhelyről huszonegy darab kerámia makroszkópos és petrográfiai vizsgálatát végeztük el, amelyből öt AVK és öt Vinča kerámiát röntgen pordiffrakciós (XRD) és röntgen …
E Bánffy - The Early Neolithic in the Danube-Tisza interfluve - academia.edu
After reaching the northernmost region of their advance, the first farmers of the large Balkanic complex split into three groups in the western (Transdanubian), central (Alföld) and …
This short communication is presenting the results of a PhD research done on ancient pottery, as part of an interdisciplinary project to establish the diachronic study of a multi …
The investigations and results presented here were carried out in the framework of a DAAD- MÖB bilateral project. As a part of the complex aim of this project, a limited sample collection …