There has been an enormous increase in interest in the use of evidence for public policymaking, but the vast majority of work on the subject has failed to engage with the …
Intelligence is currently facing increasingly challenging cross-pressures from both a need for accurate and timely assessments of potential or imminent security threats and the …
El volumen ofrece un diálogo entre perspectivas sociológicamente relevantes y de distintas tradiciones internacionales. Reúne por primera vez una gran variedad de visiones …
C Zwierlein, B De Graaf - Historical Social Research/Historische …, 2013 - JSTOR
» Sicherheit und Verschwörung in der Neuzeit «. Security History is a new field in historical research. Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories have attracted since some years great …
Many early accounts of unconventional attacks remain unknown to the public, and they are reported inaccurately in modern publications. The result is misinformation, which contributes …
TW Van de Kerke, CW Hijzen - Intelligence and National Security, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This article develops a critical notion of intelligence power, building on a developing rhetorical understanding of intelligence power within Critical Intelligence Studies (CIS) and …
A Schink - Wiesbaden: Springer. https://doi. org/10, 2020 - Springer
Die vorliegende Ethnographie ist das Ergebnis einer jahrelangen Auseinandersetzung mit Verschwörungen,„Verschwörungstheorien “und dem Kampf gegen sie in Medien, Politik und …
Mit dem Beginn dieser Arbeit hat sich mir ein Forschungsfeld eröffnet, das einen interessanten und relevanten Beitrag zum Forschungsgebiet der Legitimität und …
2 Donald Trump discovered in Covid-19 virus a cudgel for wielding his trademark racism and xenophobia. Shortly after the contagion appeared, he scapegoated China, branding the …