Multiplexed bead arrays for proteomics

VB Bergo - US Patent 11,391,729, 2022 - Google Patents
US11391729B2 - Multiplexed bead arrays for proteomics - Google Patents US11391729B2 -
Multiplexed bead arrays for proteomics - Google Patents Multiplexed bead arrays for …

Bead-based assays for protein analysis

VB Bergo - US Patent 12,019,070, 2024 - Google Patents
Bead-based assays for measuring protein biomarkers of proteolytic activity in biological
systems are disclosed. In an embodiment, an assay involves incubating a sample containing …

Methods of inducing read-through of a nonsense mutation associated with ataxia telangiectasia, Rett syndrome or spinal muscular atrophy by erythromycin or …

R Rosin-Arbesfeld, M Caspi, D Megiddo - US Patent 10,987,370, 2021 - Google Patents
US10987370B2 - Methods of inducing read-through of a nonsense mutation associated with
ataxia telangiectasia, Rett syndrome or spinal muscular atrophy by erythromycin or azithromycin …

Method for detecting nucleosomes containing histone variants

JV Micallef - US Patent App. 18/076,005, 2023 - Google Patents
HTTJABKRGRZYRN-UHFFFAOYSA-N Heparin Chemical compound OC1C (NC (= O) C) C
(O) OC (COS (O)(= O)= O) C1OC1C (OS (O)(= O)= O) C (O) C (OC2C (C (OS (O)(= O)= O) C …