A vision for nuclear reactor safety

FS D'Auria, H Glaeser, MW Kim - 46th Jahrestagung Kerntechnik …, 2015 - arpi.unipi.it
The paper deals with Nuclear Reactor Safety Technology (NRST) involving fission and
water cooled or moderated reactors. NRST is established since several decades, starting …

Breeding habitats, phenology and size of a resident population of Two‐banded Plover (Charadrius falklandicus) at the northern edge of its distribution

FA Faria, MÁ Repenning, G Tavares Nunes… - Austral …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The central‐peripheral hypothesis states that the demographic performance of a species
decreases from the centre to the edge of its range. Peripheral populations are often smaller …

[图书][B] Aves do Brasil

MA Favretto - 2021 - books.google.com
As aves encantam os seres humanos há muitos milênios, seja pela beleza de suas
plumagens, pelo seu canto ou pela capacidade de voar. No entanto, não são apenas esses …

The role of human compliance for management actions to protect breeding shorebirds in coastal ecosystems

GD Hevia, LO Bala - 2018 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
Driven by the awareness that protection of shorebirds breeding on coastal ecosystems,
including sandy, gravel, and mixed shores, very much depends on human behavior and that …

La educación como herramienta fundamental para facilitar la conservación de humedales

LO Bala, MLA Hernández, LR Musmeci - 2011 - ri.conicet.gov.ar
En el Laboratorio Humedales Utilizados por Aves Playeras con lugar de trabajo en el
Centro Nacional Patagónico, CONICET (Patagonia Argentina) se desarrollan tres …

Resightings of two-banded plovers (Charadrius falklandicus) during the breeding season in coastal Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina

GD Hevia, F Dallas Jordan, N Terorde… - 2018 - notablesdelaciencia.conicet.gov.ar
We report resightings of individually-marked Two-banded Plovers (Charadrius falklandicus)
breeding in northern Patagonia across two consecutive seasons in two beaches separated …

Actividad reproductiva de Charadrius vociferus (Linnaeus 1758, chorlo gritón) en la ampliación del aeropuerto internacional Jorge Chávez, Callao, Perú

BR Alcántara, RJ Jiménez, CR Gaona… - Peruvian Agricultural …, 2023 - datos.unjfsc.edu.pe
Objetivo: Estudiar la actividad reproductiva de Charadrius vociferus “chorlo gritón” en la
ampliación del aeropuerto internacional Jorge Chávez, Callao, Perú. Metodología: Se …

[PDF][PDF] Breeding ecology and movements of Two-banded plovers in Valdés Península, Argentina

GE García-Peña, MA Hernández, LO Bala… - … analysis of breeding …, 2009 - researchgate.net
Knowledge on the breeding ecology of shorebirds (Charadriiformes) in South America is
scanty and this lack of information has a two fold consequence. On the one hand, our …

[PDF][PDF] LocaLidades, coordenadas GeoGráficas y Literatura de la avifauna argentina ii

G Piloni - 2012 - fundacionazara.org.ar
Impreso en Argentina-2021 Se ha hecho el depósito que marca la ley 11.723. No se permite
la reproducción parcial o total, el almacenamiento, el alquiler, la transmisión o la …


NDELCD COLLAR - researchgate.net
In this study we present the finding of two new nesting locations of the Two-banded Plover
(Charadrius falklandicus) in Villarino district, southwest of the Buenos Aires province …