J Zhang, V Van Acker - Transportation Research Part A: Policy and …, 2017 - Elsevier
This special issue argues the importance of a paradigm shift from traditional approaches to the life-oriented approach for a better understanding of travel behavior and for better …
S Carpentier - European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure …, 2012 - shs.hal.science
The strong differentials on both sides of the Belgian-Luxembourger border, both in terms of salaries and housing prices, have stimulated for more than two decades the cross-border …
J Nelles, O Walther - Articulo-Journal of Urban Research, 2011 - journals.openedition.org
The aim of this special issue is to address the evolution of European borders from a comparative perspective. This collection of papers spans a wide variety of topics in the realm …
This article analyses the process of spatial integration in ten European cross-border metropolitan regions. On the basis of three indicators, relating to flows of cross-border …
The expectations of European planners for the gradual disappearance of national borders, and the corresponding prognoses of social scientists, have turned out to be over-optimistic …
Au sein de l'Union Européenne, les classes moyennes occupent une place charnière dans la construction politique et médiatique des processus migratoires. Entre comportements de …
Depuis les premières formes d'urbanisme, les villes sont façonnées par des constructions idéologiques qui impactent sur le quotidien des individus et sur les ségrégations socio …
P Dias, T Ramadier - … de Psychologie Sociale= International review of …, 2018 - hal.science
This paper puts spatial cognition to the test of the social representations paradigm, drawing on insights from the positional and structural approaches of representation, to complement …
R Belkacem, I Pigeron-Piroth - Géo-Regards: Revue Neuchâteloise de …, 2011 - orbilu.uni.lu
Cet article s' intéresse aux effets du travail frontalier sur le développement économique et social des territoires situés au sein de la Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux. Il montre que pour …