A hallmark of flowering plants is their ability to invade some of the most extreme and dynamic habitats, including cold and dry biomes, to a far greater extent than other land …
The oxygen isotope compositions of carbonate and phosphatic fossils hold the key to understanding Earth-system evolution during the last 500 million years. Unfortunately, the …
Understanding the origins of biodiversity has been an aspiration since the days of early naturalists. The immense complexity of ecological, evolutionary, and spatial processes …
The latitudinal temperature gradient is a fundamental state parameter of the climate system tied to the dynamics of heat transport and radiative transfer. Thus, it is a primary target for …
The end-Permian mass extinction, the largest biological crisis in Earth history, is currently understood in the context of Siberian Traps volcanism introducing large quantities of …
Anthropogenic global warming is redistributing marine life and may threaten tropical benthic invertebrates with several potential extinction mechanisms. The net impact of climate …
Species richness varies immensely around the world. Variation in the rate of diversification (speciation minus extinction) is often hypothesized to explain this pattern, while alternative …
The Cretaceous-Paleogene event was the last mass extinction event, yet its impact and long- term effects on species-level marine vertebrate diversity remain largely uncharacterized. We …
Earth's persistent habitability since the Archean remains poorly understood. Using an oxygen isotope ensemble approach—comprising shale, iron oxide, carbonate, silica, and …