A comprehensive review of the data replication techniques in the cloud environments: Major trends and future directions

BA Milani, NJ Navimipour - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2016 - Elsevier
Nowadays, in various scientific domains, large data sets are becoming an important part of
shared resources. Such huge mass of data is usually stored in cloud data centers …

High availability in clouds: systematic review and research challenges

PT Endo, M Rodrigues, GE Gonçalves, J Kelner… - Journal of Cloud …, 2016 - Springer
Cloud Computing has been used by different types of clients because it has many
advantages, including the minimization of infrastructure resources costs, and its elasticity …

Service-oriented replication strategies for improving quality-of-service in cloud computing: a survey

S Slimani, T Hamrouni, F Ben Charrada - Cluster Computing, 2021 - Springer
The recent years have witnessed significant interest in migrating different applications into
the cloud platforms. In this context, one of the main challenges for cloud applications …

Adaptive data replication strategy in cloud computing for performance improvement

N Mansouri - Frontiers of Computer Science, 2016 - Springer
Cloud computing is becoming a very popular word in industry and is receiving a large
amount of attention from the research community. Replica management is one of the most …

Social choice considerations in cloud-assisted WBAN architecture for post-disaster healthcare: Data aggregation and channelization

S Misra, S Chatterjee - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
In a cloud-assisted Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), health data of patients are
transmitted from the Local Data Processing Units (LDPUs) to the health-cloud platform …

A novel intelligent approach for dynamic data replication in cloud environment

A Awad, R Salem, H Abdelkader, MA Salam - IEEE Access, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In recent years, cloud computing research, specifically data replication techniques and their
applications, has been growing. If the replicas number is raised and put in multiple positions …

A brief survey on replica consistency in cloud environments

RA Campêlo, MA Casanova, DO Guedes… - Journal of Internet …, 2020 - Springer
Cloud computing is a general term that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet.
With the accelerated growth of the volume of data used by applications, many organizations …

Optimizing replication of data for distributed cloud computing environments: techniques, challenges, and research gap

S Naganandhini, D Shanthi - 2023 2nd International …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In distributed cloud computing environments, replication of data is a crucial technique for
achieving high availability and reliability. However, optimizing replication of data poses …

Application of data fragmentation and replication methods in the cloud: a review

F Castro-Medina, L Rodríguez-Mazahua… - 2019 international …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Data fragmentation and replication are an essential issue in cloud databases, since
information demands are huge and improving performance through distributed database …

Survey on data replication in cloud systems.

D Rambabu, A Govardhan - Web Intell., 2024 - content.iospress.com
In a distributed environment, replication is the most investigated phenomenon. Replication is
a way of storing numerous copies of the same data at different locations. Whenever data is …