[图书][B] Handbook of computable general equilibrium modeling

PB Dixon, D Jorgenson - 2013 - books.google.com
Top scholars synthesize and analyze scholarship on this widely used tool of policy analysis
in 27 articles, setting forth its accomplishments, difficulties, and means of implementation …

The economic and environmental effects of a carbon tax in South Africa: A dynamic CGE modelling approach

J Van Heerden, J Blignaut, H Bohlmann… - South African Journal …, 2016 - journals.co.za
South Africa's National Treasury released its Carbon Tax Policy Paper in May 2013. The
paper proposed a R120/tCO2-equiv. levy on coal, gas and petroleum fuels. Here, we model …

Regional computable general equilibrium modeling

JA Giesecke, JR Madden - Handbook of computable general equilibrium …, 2013 - Elsevier
Over the past three decades the field of regional computable general equilibrium (CGE)
modeling has flourished, growing from a handful of top-down, single-region and low …

[图书][B] Understanding the economy-wide efficiency and incidence of major Australian taxes

L Cao, A Hosking, M Kouparitsas, D Mullaly, X Rimmer… - 2015 - econstor.eu
In recent years, a series of studies have been undertaken in Australia that use static general
equilibrium models with a representative household to compare the relative efficiency of …

[图书][B] The economic impact and efficiency of state and federal taxes in Australia

J Nassios, JR Madden, JA Giesecke, J Dixon, N Tran… - 2019 - vuir.vu.edu.au
Abstract The Henry Review of Australia's Future Tax System (2009), made several
recommendations to promote resilience, fairness, and prosperity via tax reform. Some of the …

Evaluating special events: Merging two essential approaches

L Dwyer, P Forsyth - Event Management, 2019 - ingentaconnect.com
In special event evaluation, given the shift away from standard economic impact analysis
based on input–output modeling, increased attention is being paid to the roles that …

Траектории развития Дальнего Востока: оценка на основе динамической модели экономических взаимодействий

НГ Джурка - Проблемы прогнозирования, 2018 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье обсуждаются возможные траектории развития Дальнего Востока,
формируемые под влиянием политики по созданию в регионе преференций для …

Análise de impactos econômicos setoriais e regionais decorrentes de investimentos em infraestrutura de transportes

MD Vassallo - 2015 - teses.usp.br
O objetivo desta tese é discutir, sob a ótica da multimodalidade, os impactos na economia
brasileira decorrentes da redução de custos de transportes. Para atingir este objetivo, um …

Evidence-based regional economic policy analysis: the role of CGE modelling

JA Giesecke, JR Madden - Cambridge Journal of Regions …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
An important ingredient in meeting the challenges for regional policy is evidence-based
analysis capable of revealing the full ramifications of economic policies and events across …

[PDF][PDF] Carbon tax and its impact on South African households

JA Bohlmann, R Inglesi-Lotz, HR Bohlmann - Carbon tax and its impact on …, 2022 - zbw.eu
This paper focuses on evaluating the economy-wide impact of a carbon tax as a policy
mechanism designed to reduce GHG emissions in South Africa, with a particular focus on …