Over the past few decades, there has been increasing importance given to local action to achieve global sustainability goals. Cities and human settlements have been recognized as …
Although the sustainable development paradigm has continued to grow in acknowledgement and understanding, there remains a disjuncture between its theory and …
Local energy initiatives (LEIs) promote sustainable energy systems in their regional contexts through the usage of renewable energies and energy saving. Their projects range from the …
En los últimos cuatro años la pobreza energética se ha visibilizado como una realidad que actualmente afecta a más del 11% de la población española y sobre la cual se están …
Globally, there is a growing popularity among local governments to apply Cross-Sector Social Partnerships (CSSP) to implement Sustainable Community Plans (SCPs). The aim of …
Given that prioritization of programmes is a key concern in Local Agenda 21 processes, the aim of this paper is to explore how the Analytic Network Process (ANP) can provide greater …