H Simonis - CP Workshop on modeling and reformulating …, 2005 - ai.dmi.unibas.ch
Constraint programming has finally reached the masses, thousands of newspaper readers (especially in the UK) are solving their daily constraint problem. They apply complex …
Single-player games (often called puzzles) have received considerable attention from the scientific community. Consequently, interesting insights into some puzzles, and into the …
A Goel, K Sakallah - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2020 - Springer
We present AVR, a push-button model checker for verifying state transition systems directly at the source-code level. AVR uses information embedded in the word-level syntax of the …
In this work, general formulas of degree-based and neighborhood degree sum-based topological indices for a 2D lattice of H-Naphtalenic nanotubes and pent-heptagonal …
We study a planning problem based on Plotting, a tile-matching puzzle video game published by Taito in 1989. The objective of this turn-based game is to remove a target …
Explanations are a technique for reasoning about constraint propagation, which have been applied in many learning, backjumping and user-interaction algorithms for constraint …
Combining constraints using logical connectives such as disjunction is ubiquitous in constraint programming, because it adds considerable expressive power to a constraint …
We present an evaluation of different AI search paradigms applied to a natural planning problem. The problem we investigate is a particular card game for one player called Black …
A picture-logic puzzle is a game that takes the form of an N× M grid, with numbers situated on the left of its rows and on the top of its columns, which give the clues for solving the …