Families as systems

MJ Cox, B Paley - Annual review of psychology, 1997 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract In this chapter, we discuss theoretical and conceptual models that use an
organismic or systems metaphor for understanding families. We suggest that such theories …

Interrelatedness of marital relations and parent-child relations: a meta-analytic review.

O Erel, B Burman - Psychological bulletin, 1995 - psycnet.apa.org
It is widely assumed that a linkage, crucial to the understanding of child behavior, exists
between marital and parent–child relationship quality. A meta-analysis of 68 studies was …

[图书][B] The psychological processes of childbearing

J Raphael-Leff - 2018 - books.google.com
Childbearing seems eternal, primordial and universal. Yet human reproduction in the 21st
century is in a state of flux. This accessible book highlights dramatic changes that have …

[图书][B] Handbook of parenting: Volume I: Children and parenting

MH Bornstein - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
Despite the fact that most people become parents and everyone who has ever lived has had
parents, parenting remains a mystifying subject about which almost everyone has opinions …

Socialization in the family: Ethnic and ecological perspectives

RD Parke, R Buriel - Child and adolescent development: An …, 2008 - books.google.com
Socialization is a process in which an individual's standards, skills, motives, attitudes, and
behaviors change to conform to those regarded as desirable and appropriate for his or her …

Responsible fathering: An overview and conceptual framework

WJ Doherty, EF Kouneski, MF Erickson - Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1998 - JSTOR
This article defines responsible fathering, summarizes the relevant research, and presents a
systemic, ecological framework to organize research and programmatic work in this area. A …

Family stress and parental responses to children's negative emotions: Tests of the spillover, crossover, and compensatory hypotheses.

JA Nelson, M O'Brien, AN Blankson… - Journal of Family …, 2009 - psycnet.apa.org
The relations between 4 sources of family stress (marital dissatisfaction, home chaos,
parental depressive symptoms, and job role dissatisfaction) and the emotion socialization …

[图书][B] Gender development

S Golombok, R Fivush - 1994 - books.google.com
Gender Development is the first book to examine gender from a truly developmental
perspective and fills a real need for a textbook and source book for college and graduate …

Fathers and families

RD Parke, JT Cookston - Handbook of parenting, 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
This chapter shows that fathers and families are embedded in a network of biological and
neurological systems, and the biological basis of fathering. There are overall differences in …

Attachment to mother/attachment to father: A meta‐analysis

NA Fox, NL Kimmerly, WD Schafer - Child development, 1991 - Wiley Online Library
An important tenet of attachment theory is that classification of security or insecurity as
derived from the Strange Situation reflects the quality of an infant's relationship with its …