Application of Fminsearch Optimization to Minimize Total Maintenance Cost with the Aim of Reducing Environmental Degradation

Y Bella, FZ Kebbab - Engineering, Technology & Applied Science …, 2022 -
This study examined a production system under deterioration and its impact on the
degradation of the environment. The environment degrades as the production system …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis and modeling of the relationship “maintenance-environment” Case study of an SME in the agri-food sector

H Tajri, M El Hammoumi, B Herrou -
The Companies are evolving today in an economic context marked by competition
increasingly fierce and more demanding customers. To differentiate from the mass, nothing …

Optimization of a periodic inspection strategy to reduce the impact caused by continued degradation on the environment

B Yasmina, M Mohammed - 2021 1st International Conference …, 2021 -
in this article, a maintenance inspection strategy is proposed for a production system to
reduce the impact caused by its continued degradation on the environment. Two types of …

Mesure de performance d'un système de management environnemental (SME). Cas de la maintenance industrielle

H Tajri, M El Hammoumi, B Herrou - Xème Conférence Internationale …, 2015 -
Dans le cadre de l'intégration de la dimension environnementale en maintenance
industrielle, et afin d'assurer l'amélioration continue du système de management …