It is expected the massive release of quantum computers in the near future. Quantum computers can easily break the crypto schemes, which are used in practice. Therefore …
S Singh, V Bharathi - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 -
The study proposes a unique blend of bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review con-ducted on the Scopus database to extensively review and bring out the research …
Random numbers have many uses, but finding true randomness is incredibly difficult. Therefore, quantum mechanics is used, using the essentially unpredictable behavior of a …
Quantum cryptography doesn't depend on computational capabilities of intruders; it uses inviolability of quantum physics postulates (postulate of measurement, no-cloning theorem …
Security and reliability of traditional cryptographic methods for ensuring confidentiality is questionable taking into account contemporary threats (HPC, Grid technologies, quantum …
Today scientists are actively working on the creation of quantum computers. Quantum computers will be able to solve the problem of factoring the large numbers. So, quantum …
AE Qoussini, YI Daradkeh, SM Al Tabib… - 2019 10th IEEE …, 2019 -
Traditional cryptographic methods have persistence, which are based on the alleged impossibility of solving a certain mathematical problem for a polynomial time. As an …
Random numbers are a fundamental resource in science and engineering, and are also widely used in many fields, such as simulation, cryptography, lotteries, fundamental science …
Cybersecurity contains three basic features such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. Data confidentiality ensuring by encryption has faced quantum computing threat, but this …