We give a general-purpose programming language in which programs can reason about their own knowledge. To specify what these intelligent programs know, we define a …
The integrity of complex dynamic systems often relies on the ability to detect, during operation, the occurrence of faults, or, in other words, to diagnose the system. The feasibility …
We define an epistemic logic or logic of knowledge, PL, and a formalism to undertake privacy-centric reasoning in security protocols, over a Dolev-Yao model. We are able to …
The foundations of formal models for epistemic and doxastic logics often rely on certain logical aspects of modal logics such as S4 and S4. 2 and their semantics; however, the …
We propose a new approach to the verification of epistemic properties of programmes. First, we introduce the new``program-epistemic''logic L_PK, which is strictly richer and more …
We introduce a framework for the symbolic verification of epistemic properties of programs expressed in a class of general-purpose programming languages. To this end, we reduce …
We give a relational and a weakest precondition semantics for" knowledge-based programs", ie, programs that restrict observability of variables so as to richly express …
We give a general-purpose programming language in which programs can reason about their own knowledge. To specify what these intelligent programs know, we define a …
FBIBV Malvone, SF Rajaona - 2023 - openresearch.surrey.ac.uk
We propose a new approach to the verification of epistemic properties of programs. First, we introduce the new “program-epistemic” logic LPK, which is strictly richer and more general …