This paper describes the E-xcellence methodology for the quality assurance of e learning. It outlines the E-xcellence process, and describes the main supporting resources: a set of 35 …
H Põldoja - Comparative Analysis of ICT in Education Between …, 2020 - Springer
ICT has been a focus area of educational development in Estonia since the mid-1990s when the first national programme was launched to support the development of ICT infrastructure …
Õppematerjalide kavandamine ja koostamine kuulub üldisemalt õpidisaini (ingl instructional design) valdkonda. Õpidisaini all mõistetakse põhimõtteid ja tegevusi, mis on seotud …
The European Standards and Guidelines (ESG)(2015)[1] are equally applicable to all modes of teaching and learning, however, the necessity for an appropriate interpretation for …