When a user shares her data with online platforms, she reveals information about others. In such a setting, externalities depress the price of data because once a user's information is …
When is it possible for one person to persuade another to change her action? We consider a symmetric information model where a sender chooses a signal to reveal to a receiver, who …
What is the best way to auction an asset? How should a group of people organize themselves to ensure the best provision of public goods? How should exchanges be …
We study persuasion mechanisms in linear environments. A receiver has a private type and chooses between two actions. A sender designs a persuasion mechanism or an experiment …
We study mechanism design in dynamic quasilinear environments where private information arrives over time and decisions are made over multiple periods. We make three …
The increasingly tight coupling between humans and system operations in domains ranging from intelligent infrastructure to e-commerce has led to a challenging new class of problems …
A data buyer faces a decision problem under uncertainty. He can augment his initial private information with supplemental data from a data seller. His willingness to pay for …
L Rayo, I Segal - Journal of political Economy, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
A sender randomly draws a “prospect” characterized by its profitability to the sender and its relevance to a receiver. The receiver observes only a signal provided by the sender and …
We consider an oligopoly model in which consumers engage in sequential search based on partial product information and advertised prices. By applying Weitzman's (1979) optimal …