Protivrečnosti evropske medijske politike

I Milutinović - CM Komunikacija i mediji, 2018 -
U medijskoj teoriji i praksi vlada široka saglasnost o tome da mediji imaju značajnu ulogu u
konstituisanju javnosti, koja se percipira kao društveni i politički prostor u kojem nastaje i …

Contradictions of the European media policy

I Milutinović - CM: Communication and Media, 2018 -
In the media theory and practice, there is a broad agreement that the media play an
important role in creating of active public, which is perceived as a social and political space …

On cultural democracy in neoliberal markets or why tastes should be discussed

I Milutinović - Kultura, 2018 -
The subject of this paper is the status of cultural assets in the contemporary merchandise
and service markets. The research starts from the premise that the relationship between …

Media system of Japan: Tradition in a new form

NB Janković - Komunikacije, mediji, kultura, 2018 -
The media system of Japan is processed as a specific example of the etatistic-market media
system in the modern world. Japan's media system owes its peculiarity to the paternalistic …