This is an overview of the end-to-end data cleaning process. Data quality is one of the most important problems in data management, since dirty data often leads to inaccurate data …
This database theory book provides a focused presentation of the core material on relational databases, and presents a number of advanced topics in a unified framework. Some of the …
Database Management Systems provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have …
Maier ACM SIGMOD Anthology ACM SIGMOD Maier: Theory of Relational Databases David Maier: The Theory of Relational Databases. Computer Science Press 1983 …
Data exchange is the problem of taking data structured under a source schema and creating an instance of a target schema that reflects the source data as accurately as possible. In this …
In this paper, we introduce a family of expressive extensions of Datalog, called Datalog+/-, as a new paradigm for query answering over ontologies. The Datalog+/-family admits …
AfSSTRACT: Many real-world situations can be captured by a set of functional dependencies and a single join dependency of a particular form called acyclic [B..]. The join …
Evaluating the relational join is one of the central algorithmic and most well-studied problems in database systems. A staggering number of variants have been considered …
JF Baget, M Leclère, ML Mugnier, E Salvat - Artificial Intelligence, 2011 - Elsevier
We consider positive rules in which the conclusion may contain existentially quantified variables, which makes reasoning tasks (such as conjunctive query answering or …