CM Lin - Journal of Functional Analysis, 2023 - Elsevier
We prove that if a level set of a degree n general inverse σ k equation f (λ 1,⋯, λ n):= λ 1⋯ λ n−∑ k= 0 n− 1 ck σ k (λ)= 0 is contained in q+ Γ n for some q∈ R n, where ck are real …
FR Harvey, HB Lawson - Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract The Special Lagrangian Potential Equation for a function u on a domain Ω ⊂ R^ n Ω⊂ R n is given by tr {\arctan (D^ 2\, u)\}= θ tr arctan (D 2 u)= θ for a contant θ ∈ (-n π\over …
EM Correa - arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02105, 2023 -
In this paper, we show that the deformed Hermitian Yang-Mills (dHYM) equation on a rational homogeneous variety, equipped with any invariant K\"{a} hler metric, always admits …
Let (M, ω) be a compact connected Kähler manifold of complex dimension four and let [χ]∈ H 1, 1 (M; R). We confirm the conjecture by Collins–Jacob–Yau [8] of the solvability of the …
In this thesis we study the principle that extremal objects in differential geometry correspond to stable objects in algebraic geometry. In our introduction we survey the most famous …
J Chu, MC Lee - Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik …, 2023 -
In this paper, we study the hypercritical deformed Hermitian-Yang–Mills equation on compact Kähler manifolds and resolve two conjectures of Collins–Yau [Moment maps …
We show that on any compact Kähler surface existence of solutions to the Z-critical equation can be characterized using a finite number of effective conditions, where the number of …
Y Li - arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01467, 2022 -
The main theme of this paper is the Thomas-Yau conjecture, primarily in the setting of exact,(quantitatively) almost calibrated, unobstructed Lagrangian branes inside Calabi-Yau …
CM Lin - arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05339, 2023 -
We prove that if there exists a $ C $-subsolution to a constant coefficients strictly $\Upsilon $- stable general inverse $\sigma_k $ equation, then there exists a unique solution. As a …