Bullying by teachers towards students—a scoping review

KS Gusfre, J Støen, H Fandrem - International journal of bullying …, 2023 - Springer
Bullying between peers is a well-known fact and during the last 20 years there has been
considerable research on this topic. A topic that has received much less attention is bullying …

Help-seeking behavior in Norwegian adolescents: The role of bullying and cyberbullying victimization in a cross-sectional study

S Kaiser, H Kyrrestad, S Fossum - Scandinavian journal of child and …, 2020 - sciendo.com
Background: Help-seeking is considered a constructive coping style. However, the threshold
at which many adolescents seek help is relatively high, and the outcomes are not …

Intentions to quit upper secondary education among first generation immigrants and native Norwegians: The role of loneliness and peer victimization

H Fandrem, MS Tvedt, T Virtanen, E Bru - Social Psychology of Education, 2021 - Springer
Dropout from upper secondary education is a persistent educational problem, particularly
among first-generation immigrant youth. This study examined factors associated with …

Immigrant and Non-immigrant parents' involvement in bullying cases

H Fandrem, J Støen - International journal of bullying prevention, 2022 - Springer
This study aims at investigating parental involvement in bullying cases. Immigrant and non-
immigrant parents are compared regarding their experience and understanding of causes of …

A Path to Inclusiveness–Peer Support Groups as a Resource for Change

AJ Heitmann, L Valla, E Albertini Früh… - The Journal of …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Being bullied is associated with anxiety, depression symptoms, and long-term negative
health outcomes. The aim of this qualitative pilotstudy was to explore bullied children's …

Evaluering av opptrappingsplanen mot vold og overgrep. Sluttrapport

TM Myrvold, GH Møller, H Krone-Hjertstrøm - 2022 - oda.oslomet.no
Opptrappingsplanen mot vold og overgrep er en tverretatlig plan bestående av 88 tiltak
innenfor en rekke sektorer. Evalueringen av planen består av en gjennomgang av tiltakene …

The authoritative perspective, bullying, and implementation

IR Sjursø, P Roland - Handbook of School Violence, Bullying and …, 2024 - elgaronline.com
Extensive research has shown that the presence of an authoritative adult stimulates several
positive factors in child development, such as self-reliance, prosocial behavior …

Nulltoleranse for krenkelse i spesialpedagogisk praksis

M Edland - 2024 - open.dmmh.no
Denne masteroppgaven har til hensikt å belyse hvordan et utvalg spesialpedagoger i
barnehagen forstår prinsippet om nulltoleranse for krenkelse. Forskning viser at barn med …

En casestudie om forebyggende mobbearbeid

KE Bachmann, T Hungnes, P Haug, G Groven - 2020 - bravo.hivolda.no
Hva gjør skoler som har lykkes med å etablere en mobbeforebyggende praksis, og bidrar til
et trygt og godt læringsmiljø? Innsikt i suksessfaktorer kan inspirere andre skoler i hvordan …

Mindfulness og mobbing hos barn og unge: En litteraturgjennomgang

M Hansson - 2023 - duo.uio.no
Mindfulness har vekket økende interesse i vesten innen ulike forskningsfelt, og
forskningsresultater virker lovende for både psykisk og fysisk helse. Det har blitt utviklet ulike …