Background Biomarkers have been used extensively to provide the connection between external levels of contaminant exposure, internal levels of tissue contamination, and early …
In freshwater settings the toxicity of the trace metal nickel (Ni) is relatively well understood. However, until recently, there was little knowledge regarding Ni toxicity in waters of higher …
Mangroves can be considered as biogeochemical reactors along (sub) tropical coastlines, acting both as sinks or sources for trace metals depending on environmental factors. In this …
Typical biomarkers of cadmium (Cd) pollution have well been confirmed in fish from continuous exposure pattern. However, in a natural environment, fish may be exposed to Cd …
We argue that the residence times of key pollutants exported to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are greater in the GBR lagoon than those of the water itself, in contradiction to some …
Understanding spatial and temporal variation in chemical constituents across salinity gradients is essential for using proxies to track riverine inflow, mixing processes, and …
Environmental context Aluminium may be released into coastal waters in dissolved and particulate forms from urban runoff, industrial discharges and acid sulfate soils. Aquatic …
Distribution of metals in estuarine surface water reflects their respective sources and abundances in the fresh-and marine-water end-members, mixing processes and ability to …
Estuaries have long been preferred sites of human settlement due to the benefits regarding proximity to fresh water and the ocean. As such, these environments have been subject to …