Nitrogen Substitutions Aggregation and Clustering in Diamonds as Revealed by High-Field Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

O Nir-Arad, DH Shlomi, N Manukovsky… - Journal of the …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Diamonds have been shown to be an excellent platform for quantum computing and
quantum sensing applications. These applications are enabled by the presence of defects in …

Photoconductive switch with high sub-bandgap responsivity in nitrogen-doped diamond

DL Hall, LF Voss, P Grivickas, M Bora… - IEEE Electron …, 2020 -
To mymargin evaluate nitrogen-doped diamond as a candidate for Photoconductive
Semiconductor Switches (PCSS) triggered in the sub-bandgap visible range, we have …

Carrier lifetime spectroscopy for defect characterization in semiconductor materials and devices

E Gaubas, E Simoen… - ECS Journal of Solid State …, 2016 -
A review on applications of the contact-less carrier inspection techniques for
characterization of various materials is presented, based on recording of the microwave …

Rapid HPHT annealing of synthetic IB-TYPE diamonds

VN Kazuchits, NM Kazuchits, MS Rusetskiy, OV Korolik… - Carbon, 2021 - Elsevier
The paper provides the information on the effects of rapid (1 min) high pressure high
temperature (RHPHT) annealing of synthetic Ib-type diamond plates at temperatures (1900° …

Features of free carrier and exciton recombination, diffusion, and photoluminescence in undoped and phosphorus-doped diamond layers

P Ščajev, J Jurkevičius, J Mickevičius… - Diamond and Related …, 2015 - Elsevier
We investigated carrier dynamics and photoluminescence in undoped and n-type
phosphorus-doped diamond epilayers under interband picosecond-pulse photoexcitation at …

Electrical characterization of HVPE GaN containing different concentrations of carbon dopants

E Gaubas, T Čeponis, L Deveikis… - Semiconductor …, 2018 -
A comprehensive study of the electrical characteristics in Schottky diodes made of GaN: C
grown by hydride vapour phase epitaxy (HVPE) technology has been reported. The Schottky …

Study of the electrical characteristics of CdZnTe Schottky diodes

E Gaubas, T Ceponis, L Deveikis, V Kalesinskas… - Materials Science in …, 2020 - Elsevier
Cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) is a promising material for the room temperature detection and
spectroscopy of ionizing radiations. Two sets of samples, exhibiting good and unacceptable …

Profiling of current transients in capacitor type diamond sensors

E Gaubas, T Ceponis, D Meskauskaite, N Kazuchits - Sensors, 2015 -
The operational characteristics of capacitor-type detectors based on HPHT and CVD
diamond have been investigated using perpendicular and parallel injection of carrier …

Теплоотвод на основе алмаза со встроенным датчиком температуры

ВА Мартинович, ИА Хорунжий, МС Русецкий… - 2016 -
В статье на основе синтетического алмаза типа Ib изготовлен теплоотвод со
встроенными терморезисторами микрометровых размеров. Теплоотвод представляет …

Чувствительные элементы на основе синтетического алмаза для контрольно-измерительных приборов АЭС

НМ Казючиц, ЛФ Макаренко… - Доклады …, 2015 -
Прочные ковалентные связи между атомами углерода обеспечивают высокую
химическую и радиационную стойкость алмаза. Высокие значения скорости …