[PDF][PDF] Aspects of placental morphogenesis and angiogenesis

CM Mihu, S Suşman, D Rus Ciucă, D Mihu… - Rom J Morphol …, 2009 - researchgate.net
Placental morphology and vascularization are important stages in the evolution of
pregnancies. Placental morphogenesis and angiogenesis processes are studied by two …

[PDF][PDF] Etio-pathogenic and morphological correlations in congenital hydronephrosis

M Boşoteanu, C Boşoteanu, M Deacu, M Aşchie… - Rom J Morphol …, 2011 - rjme.ro
Hydronephrosis,“distension in varying degrees of pelvis and calyces, accompanied by
progressive atrophy of renal parenchyma due to obstruction in urinary flow”, is an apparently …

Non-invasive steatosis assessment in NASH through the computerized processing of ultrasound images: Attenuation versus textural parameters

M Lupşor, R Badea, C Vicaş… - … , Quality and Testing …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ultrasonography is a simple method in diagnosing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH),
providing useful information, but it is subjective and does not accurately differentiate …

The prognosis of posterior urethral valves, associated to vesicoureteral reflux in children

A Masca, LL Indrei, K Brânzaniuc - The Medical-Surgical Journal, 2011 - revmedchir.ro
Posterior urethral valves represent a con-genital barrier at the level of the posterior urethra,
which opposes miction. They are located near the prostatic urethra, originating at the …

[PDF][PDF] Non-cardiac thoracic ultrasound investigation in companion animals

C Şerdean, MD Codreanu, C Fernoagă… - … -Universitatea de Ştiinţe …, 2010 - usab-tm.ro
The thoracic ultrasound investigation is an important method for the prediaphragmatic
diseases (pulmonary, pleural or pericardial effusions). Te guided ultrasound intervention …

Aspectul imagistic al glandei mamare în funcţie de densitatea ei şi riscul de cancer mamar (revista literaturii)

D Izbaş - Analele Ştiinţifice ale USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, 2011 - ibn.idsi.md
Mamografia oferă cel mai bun raport de beneficii/dezavantaje, decât orice altă metodă de
screening testată până in prezent. In această revistă a literaturii, ne întrebăm dacă …

[PDF][PDF] Non-invasive evaluation of hepatic steatosis by ultrasound image analysis with simple brightness features and support vector machines

G Nagy, M Gordan, A Vlaicu, PA Mircea… - Acta …, 2007 - researchgate.net
The gold standard for the quantitative evaluation of steatosis is liver biopsy, but this is an
invasive method. The recent trend is to investigate and develop novel non-invasive hepatic …

Nefrostomia percutanată

D Tănase, A Tănase, E Ceban, I Dumbrăveanu… - Arta Medica, 2011 - ibn.idsi.md
Percutaneous nephrostomy is a procedure establishing a drainage tract into the upper
urinary system by puncturing the kidney directly through the skin. The purpose of such …

Ultrasonographic diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis based on the quantitative evaluation of the ultrasound beam behavior into the liver

M Lupsor, R Badea, C Vicas… - … , Quality and Testing …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Ultrasonography is a simple method in diagnosing nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH),
providing useful information, but it is subjective and does not accurately differentiate …

Debitul sanguin volumetric hepatic la bolnavii cu ulcer duodenal

E Cobîleanschii, L Cobîleanscaia - Sănătate Publică, Economie şi …, 2022 - ibn.idsi.md
Modificările semnificative ale circuitului hepatic s-au evidențiat în decurgerea severă a
ulcerului duodenal, cînd pe fundalul stagnării circuitului în regiunea portală, sa observat …