This chapter looks at a range of auditory display and sonification applications that have tackled the problem of monitoring real-time data streams and concludes with some …
This paper argues for a special focus on the use of dynamic human interaction to explore datasets while they are being transformed into sound. We describe why this is a special …
We describe the development and evaluation of a tool, iSonic, to assist users with visual impairment in exploring georeferenced data using coordinated maps and tables, augmented …
While visual cues are traditionally used for visual analytics, multimodal interaction technologies offer many new possibilities. This chapter explores the opportunities and …
An important question for skill acquisition is whether and how augmented feedback can be designed to improve the learning of complex skills. Auditory information triggered by …
Purpose This article investigates the current state of the art of the use of auditory display in image-guided medical interventions. Auditory display is a means of conveying information …
Seismic facies analysis is a well‐established technique in the workflow followed by seismic interpreters. Typically, huge volumes of seismic data are scanned to derive maps of …
Most product designers have little or no experience with sonifications. Designers from a range of different domains use a common method called Design Patterns to …
ABSTRACT We present an Auditory Information Seeking Principle (AISP)(gist, navigate, filter, and details-on-demand) modeled after the visual information seeking mantra [1]. We …