Sholawat serta salam senantiasa tercurahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad SAW yang telah membimbing kita ke jalan yang diridhai Allah SWT. Skripsi merupakan salah satu …
The genus Litsea comprises about 136 species worldwide and some species have been used in traditional medicine and as essential oil sources. Litsea angulata Blume is …
D Daipadli, A Shabrina… - … Ilmu Farmasi dan …, 2023 -
Litsea angulata, more commonly known as Kalangkala, is a type of plant that belongs to the Lauraceae family. Empirically, the plant has been used traditionally by local people for the …
INDONESIA: Kulit salak merupakan salah satu bagian tanaman salak yang masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan dan hanya menjadi limbah. Padahal kulit salak mengandung banyak …
The use of essential oils for cosmetics, medicines and dental or oral hygiene is of growing interest and the subject of intense modern scientific research because oral diseases are a …
The genus Litsea comprises about 136 species worldwide and some species have been used in traditional medicine and as essential oil sources. Litsea angulata Blume is …