Y Yin - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We introduce a general approach to extract the wave function of quasiparticles from the scattering matrix of a quantum conductor, which offers a unified way to study the features of …
The state of electrons injected onto the surface of the Fermi sea depends on temperature. The state is pure at zero temperature and is mixed at finite temperature. In the case of a …
We derive the symmetrized current-noise spectrum of a quantum dot, which is weakly tunnel- coupled to an electron reservoir and driven by a slow time-dependent gate voltage. This …
We investigate a coherent conductor, which is voltage-and temperature-biased and additionally fed by a time-dependently driven single-particle source (SPS). The conductor …
Heutzutage existiert die Technologie elektrische Ströme in Nanoschaltungen zu erzeugen, welche nur eine einzelne Elementarladung durch einen Festkörper transportieren. Typische …
In recent years, it has been routinely achieved to build nanoscale electronic devices, which generate current pulses carrying only a single elementary charge. Realizations of these …