Framing sustainability performance of supply chains with multidimensional indicators

M Varsei, C Soosay, B Fahimnia… - Supply Chain Management …, 2014 -
Purpose–This paper aims to provide a framework which can assist focal companies in the
development of sustainable supply chains. Sustainable development from an industrial …

Boards of directors: A review and research agenda

JL Johnson, CM Daily… - Journal of management, 1996 -
Boards of directors have been the subject of extensive conceptualization and empirical
research. We review literature addressing boards of directors from the perspective of the …

[PDF][PDF] 独立董事背景与公司经营绩效

魏刚, 肖泽忠, 邹宏 - 2007 -
内容提要: 本文从独立董事背景的角度检验其对公司经营业绩的影响. 研究发现,
独立董事的教育背景对公司业绩并没有正面的影响, 同时发现有政府背景和银行背景的独立董事 …

[HTML][HTML] Brand communities embedded in social networks

ME Zaglia - Journal of business research, 2013 - Elsevier
Brand communities represent highly valuable marketing, innovation management, and
customer relationship management tools. However, applying successful marketing …

[引用][C] Organizations evolving

HE Aldrich - 1999 -
Winner of the 2000 Max Weber prize, awarded by the Section on Organizations,
Occupations, and Work, of the American Sociological Association, for the best book on …

Taking stock of networks and organizations: A multilevel perspective

DJ Brass, J Galaskiewicz, HR Greve… - … of management journal, 2004 -
The central argument of network research is that actors are embedded in networks of
interconnected social relationships that offer opportunities for and constraints on behavior …

[图书][B] The cement of civil society

M Diani - 2015 -
Civil society is frequently conceived as a field of multiple organizations, committed to highly
diverse causes and interests. When studied empirically, however, its properties are often …

[图书][B] Capitalism from below: Markets and institutional change in China

V Nee, S Opper - 2012 -
A quest to explain institutional change that gave rise to a new economic order is complex
and challenging. This book reports the results of a six-year (2005–2011) study that aims to …

[图书][B] Einführung in die Netzwerkanalyse: Grundlagen, Methoden, Forschungsbeispiele

D Jansen - 2013 -
Das in zweiter Auflage erscheinende Lehrbuch vermittelt dem Leser die Grundlagen und
Methoden der Netzwerkanalyse. Die statistischen Instrumente zur Erhebung und Analyse …

Network positions and propensities to collaborate: An investigation of strategic alliance formation in a high-technology industry

TE Stuart - Administrative science quarterly, 1998 - JSTOR
The paper develops a network-based mapping of the technological positions of the firms in
an industry and applies this model in a longitudinal study of the formation of alliances …