Wet montane meadows are an important component of the Sierra Nevada, CA ecosystem that provide diverse ecological services when in functional condition. Efforts are underway to …
Ranges of species around the world are expected to contract in response to climate change. Species distribution models (SDMs) are a powerful tool for predicting changes in habitat …
This handbook provides restoration practitioners with guidance to incorporate climate change considerations into the planning and design of Sierra Nevada meadow restoration …
Montane riparian meadows foster biodiversity and support critical ecosystem services. A history of exploitation has left most riparian meadows throughout the Mountain West of the …
Though citizen science programs have been broadly successful in diverse scientific fields, their adoption has lagged in some disciplines, including soil science and ecosystem …
Sierra Nevada meadows are key watershed features because of their influence on hydrology (American Rivers, 2012; Vernon et al., 2019). Sierra Nevada meadows are low …
While they cover a relatively small geographic area, montane meadows are hotspots of soil carbon (C) and are characterized by diverse vegetation communities. Estimates of C stocks …
Montane meadows are areas of high biodiversity and provide many important ecosystem services; however, degradation of 40–60% of these habitats in the Sierra Nevada region of …
Ecologically functioning meadows provide critical ecosystem services including improving a catchment's water yield, flood dispersion and attenuation, fostering groundwater-dependent …