The concentration of private power over media has been the subject of intense public debate around the world. Critics have long feared waves of mergers creating a handful of …
Providing a vital economic incentive for much of society's music, art, and literature, copyright is widely considered" the engine of free expression"--but it is also used to stifle news …
JB Baker - Journal of Economic perspectives, 2002 -
This paper provides evidence of the necessity and success of antitrust enforcement. It begins with examples of socially beneficial antitrust challenges by the federal antitrust …
This Article argues that commercial pressures are determining the news media's contemporary treatment of crime and violence, and that the resulting coverage has played a …
In Corrosion Proof Fittings v EPA,'the Fifth Circuit struck down an EPA regulation on the ground that the cost-benefit justification was inadequate. The EPA committed a multitude of …
Tarnation was a surprise hit at the 2004 Cannes and Sundance film festivals. 1 Film critic Roger Ebert declared the film" powerful and heartbreaking." Other critics called it" a …
D Lichtman, EA Posner - Sup. Ct. Econ. Rev., 2006 - HeinOnline
Computer viruses and related strains of Internet contagion impose a significant cost on the many individuals and entities that rely on Internet access for commerce, research, and …
The megamerger between America Online and Time Warner almost unquestionably represented a watershed moment in business history. Not only did it represent the largest …
There is a vigorous debate concerning the merits of private control over various types of resources. Treating something as private property grants the property holder the right to …