Y Masinambow, Y Nasrani - PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan …, 2021 - journal.stbi.ac.id
This study aims to describe the importance of Christian education to form the spirituality of the millennial generation. Presented using a qualitative-descriptive approach with the …
J Paath, W Ziliwu - Manna Rafflesia, 2023 - journals.sttab.ac.id
The purpose of this research is to find God's truth about spiritual discipline in the Old Testament as a basis for theology students in completing their study assignments at STT …
Society 5.0 memberikan dampak positif dalam kehidupan manusia, sekaligus dampak negatifnya. Khususnya dalam bidang pendidikan memiliki dampak yang cukup siginikan …
Spiritualitas adalah hidup menurut roh. Dalam konteks hubungan yang transenden, roh itu adalah Roh Allah sendiri. Spiritualitas adalah hidup yang didasarkan pada pengaruh dan …
The rapid increase in the development of technology has penetrated various sectors of life, including the field of Christian ministry, where it provides an orderly service system in …
Y Belay, F Simanjuntak, SB Nidin, S Setiawan - Manna Rafflesia, 2023 - journals.sttab.ac.id
Human culture and its components move dynamically according to the trend of philosophical ideas that drive it. The existence of the church, which is also the subject and object of …
This paper is a phenomenological descriptive analysis of the living conditions of Christians today. The author found several problems in the life of Christian spirituality today, namely …
FL Harefa, A Pasang, T Tambunan - Luxnos: Jurnal Sekolah Tinggi …, 2023 - academia.edu
Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis secara kritis konsep misi kaum postmodernis dalam perspektif Reformed. Hal ini dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena pergeseran budaya dan …
RA Josua, A Kiamani - PASCA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan …, 2023 - journal.stbi.ac.id
Today's era of disruption can lead to a decline in spiritual reactions. Intrepeters see the letter of 1 Peter as an example of an appeal to maintain spiritual life in the midst of suffering. Using …