M Branović - Ekonomija: teorija i praksa, 2016 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Common agricultural policy as a general denominator for the legal and financial instruments of the European Union in the field of agriculture and rural development is a complex system …
M Stojković - ПРИВРЕДНОПРАВНИ ОКВИР И ЕКОНОМСКИ … - academia.edu
Integration into the European Union presents a major challenge for everyone involved in the process of production, processing and food placement, but also for those who have direct …
Out of 130.5 million square kilometers of" firm ground" on the planet Earth, 49.6 million square kilometers is used for agriculture. For this part of the Globe, people fight armed …
A Aničić - Anali međunarodne konferencije mladih lidera, 2010 - ceeol.com
The concept of European integration has several meanings. Generally accepted meaning of the concept of European integration refers to the process of joining the European Union …
Proces pristopa k Evropski uniji temelji na postopnem usklajevanju in prenosu evropskega pravnega reda v nacionalni zakonodajni sistem. Intenzivne reforme in veliko število sprejetih …