Ona, ta Drugost, koja se usudila da misli, ne bi trebala biti predmet filozofskog promišljanja, jer ne predstavlja nešto što u filozofiji (posebno ontologiji) može biti opojmljeno i uzdignuto …
Od svog otvorenja 1976. godine Galerija Antuna Augustinčića u Klanjcu prikuplja, čuva, obrađuje i prezentira opus velikog hrvatskog kipara Antuna Augustinčića (Klanjec, 1900 …
M Rakić, G Budžak - Vojno delo, 2017 - bic-pk.ceon.rs
The semi-presidential system of Serbia, formed in the previous constitutional and political processes, is characterized by extremely complex social and political circumstances. The …
The countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe which joined the European Union at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century were not received at the same …