RS Weil, G Rees - Brain research reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Perceptual filling-in occurs when structures of the visual system interpolate information across regions of visual space where that information is physically absent. It is a ubiquitous …
The problem of amodal perception is the problem of how we represent features of perceived objects that are occluded or otherwise hidden from us. Bence Nanay (2010) has recently …
M Singh - Psychological Science, 2004 -
Mechanisms of contour completion are critical for computing visual surface structure in the face of occlusion. Theories of visual completion posit that mechanisms of contour …
One of the main functions of vision is to represent object shape. Most theories of shape perception focus exclusively on geometrical computations (eg, curvatures, symmetries, axis …
In a well-known magic trick known as multiplying balls, conjurers fool their audience with the use of a semi-spherical shell, which the audience perceives as a complete ball [1]. Here, we …
R McWalter, JH McDermott - Nature communications, 2019 -
Sound sources in the world are experienced as stable even when intermittently obscured, implying perceptual completion mechanisms that “fill in” missing sensory information. We …
Perception of objects in ordinary scenes requires interpolation processes connecting visible areas across spatial gaps. Most research has focused on 2-D displays, and models have …
This chapter discusses the phenomena of perceptual completion. First, a historic overview on the phenomena of amodal and modal completion is given. Next, various approaches and …
BL Anderson - Psychological Review, 2003 -
A theory is presented that explains how the visual system infers the lightness, opacity, and depth of surfaces from stereoscopic images. It is shown that the polarity and magnitude of …