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GURU adalah seorang pendidik yang dituntut profesional dalam menjalankan tugas- tugasnya. Tugas seorang guru selain memberikan pengajaran, membimbing, melatih …
EA Purnomo - PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL & …, 2017 - jurnal.unimus.ac.id
Through improving the quality of learning, it is expected that the quality of the graduate will also increase. One approach to improve the quality of learning is with lesson study activities …
M Thayyib - Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and …, 2019 - ethicallingua.org
The understanding of group dynamics is a challenging field. It is quite often that the interaction and energy between students in the group present in negative pattern or less …
AM Farida, M Zany, I Setiawati… - … of Lesson Study …, 2022 - cbt2olympicad6.unimus.ac.id
The era of globalization and digitalization requires teachers to be able to innovate in managing learning. Proper management determines the success of learning. The success of …
The mastery of material concepts is the most fundamental point in learning mathematics. Mastering the right concepts will make it easier to learn the next material, so it is needed the …
ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan kegiatan Lesson Study yang merupakan strategi untuk perbaikan pembelajaran, baik pada model pembelajaran, mahasiswa sebagai anak didik …