[ES] La CoVId-19 ha obligado a transitar hacia una docencia y una evaluación online de urgencia y sin planificación. Realmente, no se puede decir que las universidades hayan …
Abstract Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) teaching within engineering is complex due to its multidisciplinary and the difficulty of reproducing its definitions in the classroom …
The COVID-19 outbreak has a considerable impact on all business domains worldwide, almost with negative consequences. The digital transformation was already a requirement …
Gamification, recently considered as a science, takes advantage of the benefits of games to induce desirable behaviors in a given" normal" activity. When applied in education, it is an …
[ES] El GRupo de Investigación en InterAcción y eLearning (GRIAL) es un Grupo de Investigación Reconocido (GIR) de la Universidad de Salamanca y, actualmente, Unidad de …
Abstract Proyecto Docente e Investigador. Catedrático de Universidad. Perfil Docente: Ingeniería del Software y Gobierno de Tecnologías de la Información. Perfil Investigador …
[EN] The coronavirus pandemic has had a high impact worldwide. The health crisis has not only had an impact on people's own health and on health systems, but has also affected …
Featured Application This research shows that identifying, managing, and making visible the evidence produced in a Cloud Computing system, while doing collaborative work, produces …
The need to adapt to new learning scenarios due to the impact of COVID-19 on our education system is undeniable. This fact means that we must adapt teaching to non-face-to …