The oceans appear ideal for biodiversity—they have unlimited water, a large area, are well connected, have less extreme temperatures than on land, and contain more phyla and …
It is commonly assumed that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) evolves at a faster rate than nuclear DNA (nuDNA) in animals. This has contributed to the popularity of mtDNA as a …
Understanding the mechanisms of evolution requires information on the rate of appearance of new mutations and their effects at the molecular and phenotypic levels. Although …
Understanding why some species have more genetic diversity than others is central to the study of ecology and evolution, and carries potentially important implications for …
Over the last three decades, mitochondrial DNA has been the most popular marker of molecular diversity, for a combination of technical ease‐of‐use considerations, and …
Does evolution proceed faster in larger or smaller populations? The relationship between effective population size (N e) and the rate of evolution has consequences for our ability to …
The majority of variation in rates of molecular evolution among seed plants remains both unexplored and unexplained. Although some attention has been given to flowering plants …
The prevalence of adaptive evolution relative to genetic drift is a central problem in molecular evolution. Methods to estimate the fraction of adaptive nucleotide substitutions (α) …
The rate of genome evolution varies significantly between species. Evidence is growing that at least some of this variation is associated with species characteristics, such as body size …