Identifying green innovations and the firms that generate them is crucial for understanding the role of technology and innovation in the transition to a green economy. Information from …
The critical importance of knowledge sourcing as learning relationships and its impact on innovation have been widely discussed in the cluster literature. The aim of this paper is …
This article examines how regions develop new innovation specializations, covering different activities in the whole process from technological invention to commercialization …
Novel combinations of technologies are usually the result of collaborative work that builds on existing knowledge. Albeit inventors and their respective communities tend to be …
Firms may seek non-redundant information through inter-firm relations beyond their geographic and cognitive boundaries (ie, relations with firms in other regions and active in …
This paper examines how geographical proximity affected interregional co-patenting links in various technologies in the USA from 1836 to 2010. We classify technologies by their …
The shift to a bioeconomy necessitates radical innovations to move from a fossil-to a bio- based economy, with bioclusters playing a crucial role by fostering collaboration among a …
A twin (a joint green and digital) transition aims to facilitate achieving the Green Deal goals. The interplay between regional capabilities and twin transition market applications remains …
Environmental challenges require significant transformations within different socio-technical systems. From an economic geography perspective, this dissertation seeks to deepen the …