Programming languages and compiler design for realistic quantum hardware

FT Chong, D Franklin, M Martonosi - Nature, 2017 -
Quantum computing sits at an important inflection point. For years, high-level algorithms for
quantum computers have shown considerable promise, and recent advances in quantum …

Quantum computing: an overview across the system stack

S Resch, UR Karpuzcu - arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.07240, 2019 -
Quantum computers, if fully realized, promise to be a revolutionary technology. As a result,
quantum computing has become one of the hottest areas of research in the last few years …

Not all qubits are created equal: A case for variability-aware policies for NISQ-era quantum computers

SS Tannu, MK Qureshi - Proceedings of the twenty-fourth international …, 2019 -
Existing and near-term quantum computers are not yet large enough to support fault-
tolerance. Such systems with few tens to few hundreds of qubits are termed as Noisy …

Layered architecture for quantum computing

NC Jones, R Van Meter, AG Fowler, PL McMahon… - Physical Review X, 2012 - APS
We develop a layered quantum-computer architecture, which is a systematic framework for
tackling the individual challenges of developing a quantum computer while constructing a …

Low-overhead constructions for the fault-tolerant Toffoli gate

C Jones - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
We present two constructions for the Toffoli gate which substantially reduce resource costs
in fault-tolerant quantum computing. The first contribution is a Toffoli gate requiring Clifford …

On the impact of quantum computing technology on future developments in high-performance scientific computing

M Möller, C Vuik - Ethics and information technology, 2017 - Springer
Quantum computing technologies have become a hot topic in academia and industry
receiving much attention and financial support from all sides. Building a quantum computer …

The engineering challenges in quantum computing

CG Almudever, L Lao, X Fu… - … , Automation & Test …, 2017 -
Quantum computers may revolutionize the field of computation by solving some complex
problems that are intractable even for the most powerful current supercomputers. This paper …

Faster quantum chemistry simulation on fault-tolerant quantum computers

NC Jones, JD Whitfield, PL McMahon… - New Journal of …, 2012 -
Quantum computers can in principle simulate quantum physics exponentially faster than
their classical counterparts, but some technical hurdles remain. We propose methods which …

A blueprint for building a quantum computer

R Van Meter, D Horsman - Communications of the ACM, 2013 -
A blueprint for building a quantum computer Page 1 84 CommuniCAtions of the ACm |
OCTObER 2013 | vOl. 56 | nO. 10 review articles Ill us tra t Ion b y Coherent Ima ge s SmaLL-ScaLE …

Multilevel distillation of magic states for quantum computing

C Jones - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2013 - APS
We develop a procedure for distilling magic states used in universal quantum computing that
requires substantially fewer initial resources than prior schemes. Our distillation circuit is …